
My Approach

Leaders typically look to support for two reasons:

1) You want to improve performance, and value unbiased outside eyes to help you to create new ways of working, thinking or approaching your stakeholders

2) You want a trusted advisor to be alongside you as you overcome specific challenges in your people/behaviours that are currently holding your organisation or team back

You may be:

  • stepping into a new position, leading a new team, integrating 2 or more functions or cultures
  • wanting to turnaround low engagement scores and improve team alignment and cohesion
  • reaching for a clear compelling meaningful vision and purpose for yourself or organisation
  • wanting to assess and grow your leadership talent, team dynamics and behaviours
  • wanting to create ways of working and org structures that facilitate the results you want to create

My approach is to help you to think to get clear of where you are, what you want. Facilitation allows you to as a leader to work alongside your team as you create your way forward. it provides an opportunity to receive unbiased feedback and challenge on what you do and how. it helps you to learn and practice the core foundations of head and heart leadership.  As a start point my question would be, would you like more of and why?

  • Communication: The ability to lead open and honest two-way conversations, to listen without judgment and land the messages that count. Say what is on your mind, be transparent about your intent, talk straight, disclose your feelings and emotions, confront reality and face into the difficult issues. Listen, no matter how hard it is to hear what others say. In a way that is engaging, clear, simple.
  • Collaboration: The ability to build strong, lasting, trusting relationships, to seek out talented people with diverse strengths, to want the best for, and with, others. Share why you do what you do, why it matters to you to bond a team and stakeholders at deeper and more meaningful levels. Proactive, respectful, generous
  • Confidence: The ability to see the good in oneself and others, to offer support and belief where it is absent. Address barriers to team performance or engagement quickly. Role model behaviours you want to see in others. Find and celebrate quick wins. With strength, balance, care.
  • Challenge: The ability to identify blocks, blind spots in thinking and behaviour, the willingness to look at what gets in the way of creativity, action and results. Get the right people around you quickly and the wrong ones out. Honest, purposeful, kind.
  • Creative thinking: The ability to stimulate ideas, invite new perspectives, come up with opportunities and possibilities, the spirit of continuous improvement. To harness the contribution, creativity and diversity of a group. Provide the space for others to step up. Involve them in creating the what and how so they have a stake in and commitment to the journey of change. Open, unbounded, free.
  • Critical thinking: The ability to weigh up alternative solutions, look at issues and opportunities in balance, encourage and facilitate healthy debate with stakeholders before making a clear call. Pragmatic, neutral, grounded.

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If you would like to explore how I might be able to support you, your team or organisation please contact me.

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