
Did I ever tell you?

Did I ever tell you?

The other week I received some feedback from someone I used to work with about 5 years ago.

The kind that stops you in your tracks.

Firstly it was lovely to hear… I guess it always is right? But more than that there was something significant in the timing. She wanted me to know what something I had done all that time ago had meant then, and now, as she is about to embark on a new project.

Secondly it really made me think. I spend much of my time supporting leaders and their teams to give each other open and honest feedback in the moment…one of the most important skills (and mindsets) in my opinion if you want to bring others forward to flourish and resolve issues/challenges swiftly and creatively.

5 years down the line, this feedback really meant a lot to me. Maybe more so even for having it so long after the moment. I guess we all want to know that in amongst some of the nonsense of corporate life, we did actually make a difference, to the business and importantly, to someone.

And so I feel inspired to pay it forward. I am still in touch with all of my teachers along the way, you know who you are. So if you get a note from me soon, you know why 🙂

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