
What I do

I will support you to build trust by following these 5 fundamentals:

  • Be open: Say what is on your mind, be transparent about your intent, talk straight, disclose your feelings and emotions, confront reality and face into the difficult issues. Listen, no matter how hard it is to hear what others say.
  • Get clear on the what: Create a picture of what good looks like, what you want for the future and what your expectations of success are. What you want of others and what they want of you. Make real what this means for your people at every level.
  • Share your motive: Why you do what you do, why it matters to you. Sharing bonds a team and stakeholders at deeper and more meaningful levels.
  • Focus on Results: Competence gains credibility. Address barriers to team performance or engagement quickly. Role model behaviours you want to see in others. Get the right people around you quickly and the wrong ones out. Find and celebrate quick wins.
  • Collaborate and Innovate: Harness the contribution, creativity and diversity of the group. Provide the space for others to step up. Involve them in creating the what and how so they have a stake in and commitment to the journey of change.

trust = momentum = results

Get in Touch

If you would like to explore how I might be able to support you, your team or organisation please contact me.

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Courage, Dear Heart

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The Mindset of Encouragement

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